We started our registry today at Bed Bath & Beyond. Not sure if it's a little early or not but we had fun at the store learning about different products and picking things out.  I still think I am going to try to create a QVC registry (even though they do not actually offer that feature) since so much of my kitchen stuff comes from there already.

We stopped by the mall today and I tried to convince Tom to take a look at the Mens Formal Wear so we could start getting an idea of what he wants to wear, but that was a no-go. 

On a side note, 3 of my 8 bridesmaids have ordered and received their dresses  . . .and all but one have at least tried on and picked out a dress.  Also, I may have found a way to save 40% on Tom's wedding band!  :)

We also took a ride to PSL to visit Traditions with Tom's Mom.  There was a wedding there today so we couldn't go inside but we drove all around to show her the location, spent some time shopping (including 2 trips to the chocolate candy store) and had dinner at Long Horn Steak House.

All in al, it was a fun day  . .  and the wedding plans are marching forward. 

--Jo Ann
Tom's Mom
10/16/2011 10:25:02 am

And JoAnn did't pay for my dinner or my chocolate!:) Enjoyed the day with Tom and JoAnn!:)


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    Tom & Jo Ann

    Congratulations! and Welcome to our pre-wedding blog.  If you have found your way here, that means you have received our "Save the Date" anouncements.  I hope you liked them.  With a litle less than 9 months to go until the big day, I still have alot of big decisions to make.  I thouhgt it would fun to share my experiences here with all of you -- and, in the end, I'd have a GREAT memory book of planning my wedding already put together. 

    Please feel free to drop by any time, leave your comments and/or suggestions and be apart of our Journey Down the Aisle.

    Maybe I can even get Tom to write a thing or two . . maybe.