When Tom and I were dating, we joked around that he was going to propose with a Ring-Pop . . .so much so that we started buying them for each other as jokes and we ended up always having a few in the house.

Fast forward to the a few days before the propsal . . .

We were at the mall and decided to stop by the jewelry store to look at rings . . of course we found one that we both loved and Tom took a few minutes to talk to the sales associate.  He came out empty handed and said he just couldn't swing it right now . . .and home we went.

Little did I know, Tom had already made a plan with the store to come back at a later time.  After he picked it up, he took it around and showed his family, asked my mom for permission and made plans for the proposal.

Unfortunately, the plans got foiled so Tom made NEW plans.  And those plans got cancelled a random thunder storm . . .  So Tom got down on one knee, at home, with a Ring-Pop in his hand.  I actually told him I didn't want a Ring-Pop.  So he got out ANOTHER Ring-Pop and I told him I didn't want that one either.  And then he got out the ring we had picked out together . .and I was about to tell him that I didn't want THAT one either . . until I saw what it was.  And then I cried . . .  and managed to say YES at the same time!

And that's the TRUE story of the Ring-Pop!

--Jo Ann
Brian Rodgers
8/6/2011 06:54:20 am

Cute story and somthing to pass on to your kids.


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    Tom & Jo Ann

    Congratulations! and Welcome to our pre-wedding blog.  If you have found your way here, that means you have received our "Save the Date" anouncements.  I hope you liked them.  With a litle less than 9 months to go until the big day, I still have alot of big decisions to make.  I thouhgt it would fun to share my experiences here with all of you -- and, in the end, I'd have a GREAT memory book of planning my wedding already put together. 

    Please feel free to drop by any time, leave your comments and/or suggestions and be apart of our Journey Down the Aisle.

    Maybe I can even get Tom to write a thing or two . . maybe.