Okay! Where to start . .

1.  We are now into only 7 months left until I DO Day!! I am getting excited . . .only two more months until we are counting on a single hand :)  (According to my nifty coordinated countdown box, we are only 9 more days away from being out of the 200s)

2.  The Bridesmaids and I are planning a trip to O-Town to visit my dress and try on bridesamid dresses.  It will be the first time all of us are getting together and the first time any of them have seen my dress.  I am not sure which I am more excited about though: them seeing my dress or me getting to see them try on Bridesmaid dresses.  The look of the wedding had changed quite a bit since Tom proposed (a year ago this month, by the way)  and this is my first opportunity to see some things put together.  Our trip is planned for Sept 25, starting at 12:00 at Something Blue Bridal and then at 2:00 at David's Bridal.  Even my neices are coming to look at dresses .. . .it really should be a very fun Sunday!

3.  That trip also means I get to try my ebay veil and shoes on with my dress for the first time.  To be honest, I am more worried about the shoes then the veil, but that's silly right?  I am in love with my veil and know it will be perfect with my dress, but my shoes came little different then I expected and now I am wondering if I should just go with the white ones from David's Bridal that have the glitterly strap and the big bow in the back . . I am going to have to match them next to the bridesmaid dresses to see if they coordinate and then decide. 

4.  I am sad to say that Something Blue (the bridal shop wher I ordered and planned to have my dress stored) will be closing as of Jan 31st.  The owner has developed a heart condition and does not feel she can keep the shop running at her standards as she has done on the past.  Of course my thoughts are with her, but this also creates a small dilemma for me . .As I said, I was planning to store my dress there until my wedding date and to also have my dress altered there . .now I have to decided if I want to have it altered here in Vero instead (which may save me a TON of money but admittedly makes me nervous) and I also have to decide where I want to store after Jan.  Of course, my house is off the list - too much risk of Tom seeing it before the big day (Mostly because I'll want to show him!).  Need to think on that one  . . . .

5. Tom and I have decided to hire a bar tended that was recommended by our Coordinator . . We were pretty happy with his rates/services and he came highly recommended.  I am working on adding his link to my vendors page.   

6.  Lastly, I am still searching and buying center pieces for the reception.  My upstairs bedroom looks like the back room at Yankee Candle, but so far I am pretty pleased with all the pieces I have found.  I even got three wrought iron bases at a yard sale for $0.50  . .  for ALL of them!  That made me pretty happy.

Okay, I think that's it for now.  I have not decided yet if I am going to post pictures of next weekend or not .part of me wants to share my day with everybody, but part of me wants my guests to have some elements of surprise when they come for the Wedding.  I am definately going to take pictures, and then we'll see how much I can refrain myself from posting them.  . . . :)

 --Jo Ann


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    Tom & Jo Ann

    Congratulations! and Welcome to our pre-wedding blog.  If you have found your way here, that means you have received our "Save the Date" anouncements.  I hope you liked them.  With a litle less than 9 months to go until the big day, I still have alot of big decisions to make.  I thouhgt it would fun to share my experiences here with all of you -- and, in the end, I'd have a GREAT memory book of planning my wedding already put together. 

    Please feel free to drop by any time, leave your comments and/or suggestions and be apart of our Journey Down the Aisle.

    Maybe I can even get Tom to write a thing or two . . maybe.