It is finally time for bridesmaid dresses . . .can you believe it?

We are caravanning up to Orlando today to go shoppping . .first we are going to my bridal shop so I can show the girls my dress and then we are headning over to David's Bridal so the girls can try on dresses.  (BTW, we are looking at Wisteria very hopefully)  It is the first time we have all gotten together to make the trek and I am very excited!  It is going to be a long day but it should definately be fun!

-- Jo Ann

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    Tom & Jo Ann

    Congratulations! and Welcome to our pre-wedding blog.  If you have found your way here, that means you have received our "Save the Date" anouncements.  I hope you liked them.  With a litle less than 9 months to go until the big day, I still have alot of big decisions to make.  I thouhgt it would fun to share my experiences here with all of you -- and, in the end, I'd have a GREAT memory book of planning my wedding already put together. 

    Please feel free to drop by any time, leave your comments and/or suggestions and be apart of our Journey Down the Aisle.

    Maybe I can even get Tom to write a thing or two . . maybe.